Halo 5 — Building a Streamlit App to Get More Info on Your Competitors — Part 1
For my Capstone Project as a data science student at Flatiron, I decided to dig into something that my friends and I got perhaps a little too into during the many months of lockdown — Halo 5: Guardians. One or two nights a week we would get together online to catch up for a bit, and then we would play the Super Fiesta Party playlist, where players always spawn with random weapons.
There were many occasions where we were pitted against players that made an absolute mockery of our abilities, to the point where we were unable to turn around before getting whacked in some embarrassing way. The skill discrepancies were so great on these occasions that as a part of my final project where I used machine learning to predict matchmaking results, I also decided to make a simple web app to show more detailed player skill information.
I’m certainly not the first to make a stats app for Halo 5. However, none of the apps I found took the liberty to get creative with the data and offer new metrics focused on player skill. Here are a few exmamples:
- Win rate and total time played by game type (Slayer, Capture the Flag, Oddball, Strongholds, etc)
- Aiming accuracy
- “Per game” features (most apps only show total stats, but dividing these stats by the number of games reveals a lot about a player’s strengths and weaknesses)
I was able to create my version of a dashboard using the Halo API and a great dashboard prototyping tool called Streamlit.
For Part 1 of this blog, we’ll focus on extracting information on the Halo API . If you would like to skip to the end result, click here to check out Part 2.
If you would like to follow along, go ahead and visit https://developer.haloapi.com/ to get your personal API key.
Hint regarding getting theAPI key — you might be prompted to submit an application, but this shouldn’t be necessary. Try checking your profile and look for “Subscriptions.” There, you should find something leading you to subscribe to Developer Access.
The goal of the code below is to create a single dataframe for a player’s most recent match in Halo 5 and graph various skill metrics for the players on each team. It uses 6 separate API calls and a variety of Python functions that will all be chained together to easily create a match dataframe. I should note the first 3 calls will need to be run each time you run the Streamlit app, but the other 3 only need to be called convert some internal codes to readable information.
Once the code is executed, it will produce a graph like this. The plot function is designed to display a variety of stats, not just the WinRate stat below.
Here’s a quick walkthrough of what we’ll be doing before we dive into the API calls and function code:
- Create a function to format any gamertag to a string compatible with the Halo 5 API
- Call the Player Match History API to get the Match ID for the most recent game that gamertag has played (using their Xbox Live Gamertag)
- Use that Match ID to call the Match Result: Arena API to get specific information about the match.
- Compile that information into a ‘base’ dataframe for the match
- Use the teammates and enemy team’s gamertags to call the Player Service Records: Arena API and pull more detailed information and skill metrics from each player’s Halo 5 play history
- Compile that information into its own ‘history’ dataframe
- Call metadata API’s to decode game type, playlist, and map
- Merge the ‘base’ and the ‘history’ dataframes
- Plot our merged dataframe to show stats by player, sorted by team
1. Insert your API Key
Paste your API key from the Halo Developer Portal as a string.
api_key = ‘insert your API key here as a string’
2. Imports
Import standard Python packages and some additional packages required for API calls, converting time codes, and plotting graphs.
#Standard Packages
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pickle
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore')# Packages used for API calls and data processing
import requests
import json
import ast
import time
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64
gamertag = 'Drymander'
from tqdm import tqdm
# !pip install isodate
import isodate# Plotly
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
3. Function: gamertag_for_api
- This is a quick function that will convert any gamertag into a string compatible with the API.
# Prepare gamertag for API
def gamertag_for_api(gamertag):
# Replace spaces with ‘+’
gamertag = gamertag.replace(‘ ‘,’+’)
return gamertag
4. Function: pull_recent_match
- Using a single gamertag, call the Player Match History API, extract Match ID and date, use Match ID to call Match Result: Arena API, return API response as JSON.
def pull_recent_match(gamertag, how_recent, explore=False):
# Use gamertag_for_api function to remove any spaces
gamertag = gamertag_for_api(gamertag)
headers = {
# Request headers
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': api_key,
# Pulls from arena mode, how_recent is how far to go back in the match history
# 'count' refers to the number of matches to pull
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
# Request parameters
'modes': 'arena',
'start': how_recent,
'count': 1,
'include-times': True,
# Try this, otherwise return error message
# Connect to API and pull most recent match for specified gamer
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('www.haloapi.com')
conn.request("GET", f"/stats/h5/players/{gamertag}/matches?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
latest_match = json.loads(response.read())
# Identify match ID and match date
match_id = latest_match['Results'][0]['Id']['MatchId']
match_date = latest_match['Results'][0]['MatchCompletedDate']['ISO8601Date']
# Rest for 1.01 seconds to not get blocked by API
# Using match_id, pull details from match
conn.request("GET", f"/stats/h5/arena/matches/{match_id}?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
# Option to return as byte string for alternative viewing
if explore == True:
# Append match ID and date from player history API call
match_results = json.loads(data)
match_results['MatchId'] = match_id
match_results['Date'] = match_date
# Print error if issue with calling API
except Exception as e:
print(f"[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
# Return match results as JSON
return match_results# Show result
match_results = pull_recent_match('Drymander', 0, explore=False)
Preview of the API response:
5. Function: build_base_dataframe
- This function will take the JSON we just got from the API and convert it into a ‘base ’dataframe for our final mtach dataframe.
# Function to build the base dataframe for a single match
# Designed to take in the JSON provided by the pull_recent_match function
def build_base_dataframe(match_results, gamertag):
# Build empty base match dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame()
columns = [
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
# Populate base match dataframe with player stats for each player
i = 0
for player in match_results['PlayerStats']:player_dic = {}
# Team ID
player_dic['DNF'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['DNF']
player_dic['TeamId'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['TeamId']
# Team Color
player_dic['TeamColor'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['TeamId']
# Gamer Tag
player_dic['Gamertag'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['Player']['Gamertag']
# Spartan Rank
player_dic['SpartanRank'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['XpInfo']['SpartanRank']
# Previous Total XP
player_dic['PrevTotalXP'] = match_results['PlayerStats'][i]['XpInfo']['PrevTotalXP']
df = df.append(player_dic, ignore_index=True)
i += 1
df['Date'] = match_results['Date']
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']).dt.tz_convert(None)
# df['Date'] = df['Date'].floor('T')
df['MatchId'] = match_results['MatchId']
df['GameBaseVariantId'] = match_results['GameBaseVariantId']
df['MapVariantId'] = match_results['MapVariantId']
df['PlaylistId'] = match_results['PlaylistId']
########## DEFINE PLAYER TEAM ##########
playerteam = df.loc[df['Gamertag'] == gamertag, 'TeamId'].values[0]
if playerteam == 0:
enemyteam = 1
enemyteam = 0
df['PlayerTeam'] = df['TeamId'].map({playerteam:'Player', enemyteam:'Enemy'})
if match_results['TeamStats'][0]['TeamId'] == playerteam:
playerteam_stats = match_results['TeamStats'][0]
enemyteam_stats = match_results['TeamStats'][1]
playerteam_stats = match_results['TeamStats'][1]
enemyteam_stats = match_results['TeamStats'][0]
########## DETERMINE WINNER ##########
# Tie
if playerteam_stats['Rank'] == 1 and enemyteam_stats['Rank'] == 1:
df['Winner'] = 'Tie'
# Player wins
elif playerteam_stats['Rank'] == 1 and enemyteam_stats['Rank'] == 2:
df['Winner'] = df['TeamId'].map({playerteam:'Victory', enemyteam:'Defeat'})
# Enemy wins
elif playerteam_stats['Rank'] == 2 and enemyteam_stats['Rank'] == 1:
df['Winner'] = df['TeamId'].map({enemyteam:'Victory', playerteam:'Defeat'})
# Error handling
winner = 'Error determining winner'
########## TEAM COLOR ##########
df['TeamColor'] = df['TeamId'].map({0:'Red', 1:'Blue'})
# Set columns
df = df[['Date', 'MatchId', 'GameBaseVariantId', 'PlaylistId', 'MapVariantId', 'DNF',
'TeamId', 'PlayerTeam', 'Winner', 'TeamColor',
'Gamertag', 'SpartanRank', 'PrevTotalXP',
# Sort match by winning team
df = df.sort_values(by=['Winner'], ascending=False)
return dfdf = build_base_dataframe(pull_recent_match('Drymander', 8), 'Drymander')df.head(3)
Preview of the ‘base’ dataframe:
6. Function: get_player_list
- Similar to the function where we converted a single gamertag into an API compatible string, this function will prepare all 8 players’ gamertags into a single string for the API.
def get_player_list(df):
# Create list from our df['Gamertag'] column and remove the brackets
player_list = str(list(df['Gamertag']))[1:-1]
# Format string for API
player_list = player_list.replace(', ',',')
player_list = player_list.replace("'",'')
player_list = player_list.replace(' ','+')
# Return in one full string
return player_list
7. Function: get_player_history
- Now we’ll take that single string representing all 8 gamertags from the match and call the Player Service Records: Arena API. This will return a list of 8 dictionaries containing lots of interesting player stats
def get_player_history(df, readable=False):
headers = {
# Request headers
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': api_key,
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
# Use our function in the block above the prepare the gamertags for the API
player_list_api = get_player_list(df)
# Try calling service records API using our player list
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('www.haloapi.com')
conn.request("GET", f"/stats/h5/servicerecords/arena?players={player_list_api}&%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
player_history = json.loads(data)
# Return error if issue with API
except Exception as e:
print(f"[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
# Option to view in byte string readable format
if readable == False:
return player_history
return data# Show result
player_history = get_player_history(df)
Preview of the API results:
8. Function: build_history_dataframe
- Next, we’ll create a separate dataframe with the Player Service Record: Arena stats.
def build_history_dataframe(player_history, variant_id):
# Option to view 'streamlit' dataframe, which includes pertinent
# information but excludes all stats for modeling
stat_list = ['Gamertag', 'TotalKills', 'TotalHeadshots', 'TotalWeaponDamage', 'TotalShotsFired','TotalShotsLanded', 'TotalMeleeKills', 'TotalMeleeDamage', 'TotalAssassinations', 'TotalGroundPoundKills', 'TotalGroundPoundDamage', 'TotalShoulderBashKills','TotalShoulderBashDamage', 'TotalGrenadeDamage', 'TotalPowerWeaponKills','TotalPowerWeaponDamage', 'TotalPowerWeaponGrabs', 'TotalPowerWeaponPossessionTime','TotalDeaths', 'TotalAssists', 'TotalGamesCompleted', 'TotalGamesWon','TotalGamesLost', 'TotalGamesTied', 'TotalTimePlayed','TotalGrenadeKills']
vdf = pd.DataFrame(columns = stat_list)
# Set coutner variable
i = 0
# Loop the goes through each player in the player history JSON
for player in player_history['Results']:
# Loop that goes through each Arena Game Base Variant and locates
# the details specific to the game vase variant of the match
for variant in player['Result']['ArenaStats']['ArenaGameBaseVariantStats']:
if variant['GameBaseVariantId'] == variant_id:
variant_stats = variant
# Create empty dictionary where stats will be added
variant_dic = {}
# Modeling option - includes all features but does not yet calculate
variant_dic['Gamertag'] = player_history['Results'][i]['Id']
variant_dic['TotalTimePlayed']= isodate.parse_duration(variant_stats['TotalTimePlayed']).total_seconds() / 3600
variant_dic['K/D'] = variant_stats['TotalKills'] / variant_stats['TotalDeaths']
variant_dic['Accuracy'] = variant_stats['TotalShotsLanded'] / variant_stats['TotalShotsFired']
variant_dic['WinRate'] = variant_stats['TotalGamesWon'] / variant_stats['TotalGamesLost']
# Loop that appends all stats to variant dic
for stat in stat_list[1:]:
variant_dic[stat] = variant_stats[stat]
# Parsing ISO duration times
variant_dic['TotalTimePlayed']= isodate.parse_duration(variant_stats['TotalTimePlayed']).total_seconds() / 3600
variant_dic['TotalPowerWeaponPossessionTime']= isodate.parse_duration(variant_stats['TotalPowerWeaponPossessionTime']).total_seconds() / 3600
# Per game stats
per_game_stat_list = ['TotalKills', 'TotalHeadshots', 'TotalWeaponDamage', 'TotalShotsFired', 'TotalShotsLanded', 'TotalMeleeKills', 'TotalMeleeDamage', 'TotalAssassinations', 'TotalGroundPoundKills', 'TotalGroundPoundDamage', 'TotalShoulderBashKills', 'TotalShoulderBashDamage', 'TotalGrenadeDamage', 'TotalPowerWeaponKills', 'TotalPowerWeaponDamage', 'TotalPowerWeaponGrabs', 'TotalPowerWeaponPossessionTime', 'TotalDeaths', 'TotalAssists', 'TotalGrenadeKills']
for stat in per_game_stat_list:
per_game_stat_string = stat.replace('Total', '')
per_game_stat_string = f'{per_game_stat_string}PerGame'
variant_dic[per_game_stat_string] = variant_dic[stat] / variant_dic['TotalGamesCompleted']
vdf = vdf.append(variant_dic, True)
i += 1
# Return the streamlit or modeling dataframe
return vdfdf = build_history_dataframe(player_history, '1571fdac-e0b4-4ebc-a73a-6e13001b71d3')
Preview of the ‘history’ dataframe:
9. Function: decode_column
The metadata APIs feature codes and their corresponding values. This function will convert the codes.
# This function will convert codes provided by the API into a readable format
def decode_column(df, column, api_dict):
# Empty list of decoded values
decoded_list = []
# Loop through each row
for row in df[column]:
i = 0
# Loop through API dictionary
for item in api_dict:
# If code found, append it to list
if item['id'] == row:
name = item['name']
# Otherwise keep searching until found
i += 1
# Return decoded list
return decoded_list
10. Function: decode_maps
We’ll need a separate conversion function for the maps.
# This function will convert maps to readable format
def decode_maps(df, column, api_dict):
decoded_list = []
# Loop through each row
for row in df[column]:
i = 0
# Creating map_count variable
map_count = len(api_dict)
# For each item in API dictionary
for item in api_dict:
# If map cannot be found, name 'Custom Map'
if (i+1) == map_count:
name = 'Custom Map'
# If found, assign value to code
elif item['id'] == row:
name = item['name']
# Otherwise keep looping
i += 1
# Return decoded list
return decoded_list
11. API Metadata Calls
Now that we have our conversion functions, we’ll call the metadata APIs and save the responses as dictionaaries.
headers = {
# Request headers
'Accept-Language': 'en',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': api_key,
}params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('www.haloapi.com')
conn.request("GET", "/metadata/h5/metadata/game-base-variants?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
GameBaseVariantId_dic = json.loads(data)
except Exception as e:
print(f"[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
headers = {
# Request headers
'Accept-Language': 'en',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': api_key,
}params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('www.haloapi.com')
conn.request("GET", "/metadata/h5/metadata/playlists?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
PlaylistId_dic = json.loads(data)
except Exception as e:
print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
headers = {
# Request headers
'Accept-Language': 'en',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': api_key,
}params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
map_list = []
for map_id in tqdm(unique_map_ids):
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('www.haloapi.com')
conn.request("GET", f"/metadata/h5/metadata/map-variants/{map_id}?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
map_dic = json.loads(data)
except Exception as e:
print(f"[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
14. Main function: recent_match_stats
Finally, we’ll combine all of our functions into one function that compiles the match history dataframe for any specified gamertag going back any number of matches.
# Get the match dataframe
def recent_match_stats(gamertag, back_count=0):
# Pull the match result as JSON from API
match_results = pull_recent_match(gamertag, back_count, explore=False)
# Build the base dataframe
base_df = build_base_dataframe(match_results, gamertag=gamertag)
# Convert dates
base_df['Date'] = base_df['Date'].dt.strftime('%B, %d %Y')
# Decode GameBaseVariantId, PlaylistId, and MapVariantId
base_df['GameBaseVariantId'] = decode_column(base_df, 'GameBaseVariantId', GameBaseVariantId_dic)
base_df['PlaylistId'] = decode_column(base_df, 'PlaylistId', PlaylistId_dic)
base_df['MapVariantId'] = decode_maps(base_df, 'MapVariantId', map_list)
# Sleep for 1.01 seconds to avoid issues with API
# Create playerlist for player history API call
player_list = get_player_list(base_df)
# Call API to get player history JSON
player_history = get_player_history(base_df)
# Build base player stats dataframe based on player history API call
history_df = build_history_dataframe(player_history, match_results['GameBaseVariantId'])
# Merge the base dataframe and stats dataframe
full_stats_df = pd.merge(base_df, history_df, how='inner', on = 'Gamertag')
return full_stats_df
Preview of the final match dataframe:
15. Graph function: compare_stat
Now that we have our dataframe, we’ll set up our graph function. This function is designed to do a few things:
- Separate the players by team
- Locate desired stat specified within the function parameters
- Display stats in horizontal bar chart from highest to lowest broken out by player team and enemy team
def compare_stat(df, column_name):
df = df.round(2)
# Separate player and enemy teams
df_player = df.loc[df['PlayerTeam'] == 'Player']
df_enemy = df.loc[df['PlayerTeam'] == 'Enemy']# Sort total time played by descending
df_player = df_player.sort_values(by=[column_name])
df_enemy = df_enemy.sort_values(by=[column_name])# Assign player / enemy colors
if df_player['TeamColor'].iloc[0] == 'Blue':
player_color = 'Blue'
enemy_color = 'Red'
player_color = 'Red'
enemy_color = 'Blue'
# Make subplot and X axis range
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, subplot_titles=[f'Player Team - {column_name}',
f'Enemy Team - {column_name}'],
vertical_spacing = 0.12)
x_range = df[column_name].max()
# Player team sub plot
row=1, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(range=[0, x_range], row=1, col=1)
# Enemy team sub plot
row=2, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(range=[0, x_range], row=2, col=1)
return fig
The graph should look something like this:
And that’s it! By combining the functions above, we’ll be able to efficiently design our Streamlit app.
Click here to check out Part 2, where we walk through the entire setup process for the Streamlit app.